Portsmouth Island History
It's deserted now, except for its ghosts and the intermittent folks in Park Service uniforms. Empty. If you've never had that eerie feeling, then maybe you'll want to take the trip that most Outer Banks visitors never make, to quiet, road-less, unpopulated Portsmouth Island. Here you can literally see the Portsmouth... Read More

Ocraoke History: Early Days, Blackbeard & Growth
Ocracoke Island is the most remote inhabited island of the Banks, and Ocracoke is the southernmost town within the limits of the National Park.
From the Outer Banks, it's reached by ferry from Hatteras Village. The trip across is relatively fast – a little more than an hour most days, free and scenic, following a... Read More

Hatteras Island – History and Today
Hatteras Island, in many ways, is the Outer Banks. In its over 50-mile length is wrapped up everything for which the Outer Banks are famous: solitude, unspoiled nature, fishing in all versions, unparalled birding and still-quaint villages. In the Pea Island National Wildlife Refuge, comprising the northern end of the... Read More

Roanoke Island History and the Roanoke Voyages
The Roanoke Voyages – Discovering the New World
Few names in American history awaken echoes as Roanoke does. Roanoke Island . . . this is where, more than four centuries ago, the curtain began to rise on English colonization in the Americas . . . then dropped, never to lift again for that brave small first colony.... Read More

The Story of the U-85
As you stand on Coquina Beach on Bodie Island, the sun bright overhead, look straight out to sea. If you could take your car and drive outward for 15 minutes, you’d be over one of the strangest yet least known attractions of the Outer Banks. Only 15 miles straight out, more than a hundred feet beneath the glittering... Read More