Keep It Local When Financing Your Outer Banks Property
When financing an Outer Banks real estate purchase, going with a local lender just makes sense.
“Local lenders are familiar with the different nuances found in this unique resort market,” says Outer Banks Realtor Jeff Scott.
First and foremost, local lenders understand vacation rental homes, and most out of area... Read More

7 Steps to Owning an Outer Banks Vacation Rental
You’re lounging in the hammock of your Outer Banks rental home, a light breeze tickling your sun-tanned skin, when you slip into a daydream about one day owning your own little place by the sea and relaxing like this more often.
You’ll rent the house, it’ll pay for itself, and you’ll have your own Outer Banks getaway... Read More

Agents of Change: Where Your Money Goes When You Pay an Outer Banks Real Estate Broker
It’s a common misconception that all a real estate broker does is set up signs in yards, list properties on the Multiple Listing Service (MLS), show a few houses here and there then sit back and rake in the big commissions. There’s a lot more to selling houses and properties than most people realize — much more.
Real... Read More

Getting Your Beach Bearings: Which Outer Banks Community is Right for You?
It’s a fact that some buyers have chosen to live or invest on the Outer Banks based on little more than a view. But the decision to buy property on the Outer Banks should be made with more information on the lay of the land. Within the broad reach of our 100-plus miles of coastline, there are many villages and towns.... Read More

Location, Location, Location: The Pros and Cons of Outer Banks Real Estate Settings
From oceanfront to soundfront and everything in between, the variety of properties available here can be overwhelming. This article will help buyers narrow down their search by describing features of several different Outer Banks locations.
In choosing a location for a beach home, buyers should determine their... Read More